Ep. 118: Succeeding in Vegan Business with Benjamin Achache of MARPHYL Marine Phytoplankton



In this episode, we sit down with the co-founder of MARPHYL Marine Phytoplankton to explore the journey of this pioneering vegan business. Harvesting wild and multi-species marine phytoplankton, MARPHYL offers a range of organic products designed to enhance soil health and promote sustainable agriculture.

Founded in 2017, MARPHYL has quickly established itself as a leader in the vegan and sustainable farming space. With a focus on environmental responsibility and ethical sourcing, the company has garnered a loyal following of environmentally-conscious consumers.

Join us as we discuss the secrets to MARPHYL’s success, from their innovative product offerings to their strategic approach to business growth. Learn how MARPHYL navigated the challenges of launching a vegan business and discover valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs in the plant-based industry.

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When you have a bad day, week, month of sales, or problem with production – just come back to your product and why you’re there in the first place. Get that energy back. You’re going to have bad days, you might even fail, but there is no problem in failing. It’s all about trying again. If you have that drive of entrepreneurship, you will rise again and continue. 

So believe in yourself, believe in yourself, believe in your product. At the end of the day, it will work if you have a great product and you’re driven. You’ll have great days ahead, so don’t lose hope.

–Benjamin Achache

Show notes:

[01:45] Taking all the goodness from the ocean, but sustainably – supporting the oceans is key.

[03:16] Products Marphyl is making: seaweed fertilizer, the flower of sea salt, liquid salt, and plankton supplements.

[05:07] The difference between spirulina, other microalgae, and Marphyl’s supplement.

[06:45] The three aspects of sustainability: producing more energy than spending in production, everything is organic and cruelty-free.

[11:36] The soil enhancer has 80 different algae in it and is compatible with all plants.

[14:04] Producing supplements and flower of the sea – a type of white salt with phytoplanktons.

[18:12] Benjamin started this business with his wife because they were impressed with the power of phytoplanktons. 

[20:25] Shipping products worldwide: e-commerce covers only 20% of the market and the key is to be more present in retail.

[23:44]  Chemical fertilizers: extremely damaging to water streams, lakes, and soil.

[26:37] Don’t stop believing in yourself and your product: don’t give up, remember why you are here.

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We live in fast-paced times, and in an ever-changing marketplace business owners must be able to adapt readily. The Pivot podcast, hosted by Stephanie Redcross West, features interviews with successful vegan business owners, keeping you up-to-date on topical issues & how the pros are handling them.

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