Ep. 45: Creativity & Structure: How to foster both for your biz



There’s a lot of creativity that comes with running a business, and there’s a huge advantage to being able to harness that creativity within a structure that helps to take advantage of that creative process. In this episode of Spark! join Stephanie to learn how to translate a creative idea into a document that can be used for strategic planning in your business. She will share powerful information on a key tool for avoiding rework, and enhancing the creative process.

You’ll learn:

  • How you can avoid starting from scratch every time you want to enter your creative zone
  • How to use templates as building blocks so you can really focus on the creative process
  • The practicalities of creating templates that really work

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Being a vegan business owner can be incredibly exciting, but also scary, overwhelming, and lonely. Now there is a podcast you can turn to when you need inspiration! Spark, hosted by Stephanie Redcross West, will provide you with support to help you on your road to success.

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