Category: Setting Goals For Your Biz – And Meeting Them!

Planning and goal-setting are crucial to the long-term success of any business. Yet these are processes that many business owners and entrepreneurs overlook, or do in a haphazard fashion, especially in the first exciting months or years of a new venture. Eventually, the importance of this undervalued set of tasks will become clear…but if you are a new business owner, you can avoid this pitfall by learning how to do planning and goal-setting right, now!

To help you, we have put together a series of articles in this guide all about planning and goal-setting for small- and medium-sized vegan businesses. Why it is essential, the impact it can have, how to do it right, and how to make your plans actionable. We warn against some common mistakes and talk about using metrics to measure impact. Making the time to fit goal-setting and good planning into your business from the start can help your business stay on track through tough times, and soar when skies are clear!

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